"There are TWO major determinants of community safety. One is how many neighbours we know by name. The other is how often we are present and associated in public - outside our houses. Police activity is a minor protection compared to these two community actions.
- John McKnight & Peter Block, The Abundant Community

Security in Parktown North
Securing the neighbourhood is a community effort
The Parktown North Residents Association(PNRA) has a value-added, integrated approach to security in Parktown North. With a dedicated PNRA administrator and active co-ordination with Parkview SAPS the PNRA makes the community safer. PNRA services provide an integrated anti-crime focus in Parktown North.
"The SafeParkview scheme of the Parkview Residents' Association has turned Parkview from a suburb into a highly sought after village. Hopefully, the Parktown North Residents' Association can do the same for Parktown North."
- Theodore Brickhill, Sotheby's
"Successful Residents’ Associations (RA), and more particularly those with their own well-run security schemes, contribute greatly to the amenity of the neighbourhood. More and more, home buyers are attracted to an area such as Parkview where there is an active RA which runs an effective security scheme. We expect that this, too, will increase the desirability of homes in Parktown North."
- Glynis van Zuydam, Jawitz Properties
The Parktown North Security Scheme:
Armed response and Public Space Security
The PNRA is pleased to announce that it has joined forces with 24/7 Security Services to provide armed response and public space security for Parktown. 24/7 has expressed their willingness to work in partnership with the PNRA for the benefit of our community.
The Parktown North Security Scheme will be managing and administering the services provided by 24/7 Security in terms of a Service Level Agreement between the PNRA and 24/7 Security. To join the Parktown North Security Scheme click here.
Some PNRA initiatives that aid to safety of the neighbourhood are:
Graffiti Abatement Programme
Protecting the Integrity of Power Supply by, for example:
Urgently attending to power problems
Lobbying for ageing infrastructure to be replaced (such as the new mini-station on 11th Ave & new MV cabling installed down 7th Avenue - both projects initiated with City Power by the PNRA)
Inspecting, with the assistance of 24/7 and in cooperation with City Power, all Parktown North sub-stations and transformers to ensure that no damage is caused by displaced people living in, behind or on the facilities.
Cleaning Operations by our Community-in-Action Squad to prevent the area from becoming a magnet for crime, including:
Cleaning the car park
Cleaning the traffic islands
Ensuring PIKITUP does its job, intervening when necessary (remember thePIKITUP strike?!)
Supporting SAPS' inspections of building sites undertaken at SAPS' discretion.
Pro-actively organising anti-crime operations in Parktown North. PNRA partners with SAPS, the JMPD, 24/7 and Joburg Municipal agencies to conduct regular anti-crime operations. These are conducted at different times of the day and year, with focus on hotspots that are identified through crime analysis.
Project Fresh Start where the PNRA helps to address the issue of those "sleeping rough" in Parktown North by working with the relevant agencies, including the City's Displaced Persons Units and the PNRA's Worship Forum.
Community Communications, including:
Meeting SAPS weekly
Meeting CPF monthly
Meeting CSF monthly
Issuing QUALITY weekly crime updates and MEANINGFUL crime intelligence warnings


24/7 Security Services
24/7 offers a reactive armed response, proactive vehicular patrolling and street patrol schemes. They also install alarm systems & provide checks on staff.
Emergency Line: 011-555-1120
Suspicious Activity: 0861-212-400 (Press 2, Then 4)
24/7 has two dedicated patrol / response vehicles in Parktown North.
These vehicles are backed up by another others which are in the vicinity
and can be called on at any time.

Parkview SAPS
Duty Officer:
Col. Gopane:
Please call the Station Commander, Col Gopane with only important issues.
Sector Vehicle:
Call 011-486-5038 and ask for number of the Patrolling Vehicle
Acting Sector Manager: (Constable Mazama)
Flying Squad: 10111
The Parkview Police station serves a large geographical area that includes:

Greenside East
Hurlingham Gardens
Parktown North
Parktown (West of M1)
Craighall Park
Parktown West
Riepen Park
Rooseveldt Park
According to http://www.westbeat.org.za/saps_cpf_community.htm (accessed on 5 October 2014):
Each SAPS Police Station has to establish its own CPF.
The duties of the CPF include:
* monitoring police performance,
* liaising with residents and businesses in the sector, and
* arranging regular meetings to receive and provide feedback and to disseminate crime trends
and provide advice on security.
Parkview CPF Chairman:
Geraldine Connell
Parkview Victim Support Unit:
A cellphone is in the possession of one of the several volunteers on duty: 073 280 4453
Lee Young, the PNRA Administrator, represents the PNRA at the monthly meetings of the Community Safety Forum (CSF), the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and the weekly SAPS briefing at the Parkview SAPS and Rosebank SAPS.
The PNRA Administrator, Lee Young, also represents the PNRA at the weekly SAPS briefing at the Parkview Police Station and prepares the minutes of the briefing session.

Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD)
JHB Metro Contacts, as @ February 2017
Deputy Regional Commander:
Chief Superintendent Johannes Sebola
Cluster Commander
Superintendent Comfort Rakobane
By-Laws Inspector:
Inspector Phindile Sihlali
Land Invasion:
Supt Nompumelelo Mthembu
Informal Street Trading:
Superintendent Mazamane
Signage & JRA:
Superintendent Malose Mabuela
Waste Management & Electricity:
Superintendent Ayasha Ajoodha
Water and Parks:
Superintendent Mbaladi