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Outdoor Signage

The PNRA is one of several Residents' Associations that apply very visible 'ILLEGAL' stickers to illegal outdoor signage that is put up in our neighbourhood.  The newly promulgated Outdoor Signage By-laws of the City of Johannesburg have approved the use of 'ILLEGAL' stickers.


The process that is followed by the PNRA is that stickers are applied to illegal signage.  The guilty parties are advised and are requested to remove the signs.  The Council is also advised.  If the guilty parties do not comply, the Council and the JMPD are requested to intervene, remove the signs and issue fines.


Some residents have objected to our applying illegal stickers to informal cardboard signs advertising services.

It is unfortunately a fact that illegal advertising is linked to increased criminal activity.  We are mindful of the need for people to advertise their services, but in the interests of keeping crime out of our  suburb, we will continue to mark  such signage as illegal.  There are other avenues of legitimate advertising for such services such as word of mouth referrals, and post box flyers.

 Any political signage should not be tampered with.


Newspaper headlines are also considered to be "legitimate" and should not be removed.


Any advertising that is affixed to poles that contains an orange approval sticker should be left in place.

Signs indicating a lost pet is not considered to be advertising.

Signage that is considered to be "legitimate"

Signage that is ILLEGAL

Sandwich boards are illegal, as are cardboard signs advertising advertising services.


Any sign pasted onto services boxes such as Telkom boxes and electrcial mini - sub-stations are illegal. PLEASE REPORT THIS TO THE PNRA  so that we can remove them.


Any sign that is affixed to a street post or fencing that is not properly approved is illegal.

The City's contract with AdReach has been terminated, and all Ad Reach signage is therefore illegal


It is also illegal to attach

advertising signs to trees.  

Estate Agents' Signage: What are the rules?

In essence, according to the Outdoor Advertising By-Laws for the City of Johannesburg as it pertains to advertising signs relating to selling and letting of property (effective 1 July 2008):-


  • The number of boards indicating 'FOR SALE', 'SOLD' or 'TO LET' on display outside a residence – ONE ESTATE AGENT'S BOARD RUNNING PARALLEL TO A BOUNDARY FENCE OR WALL with a maximum size of 600mm x 450mm




  • A show day is on a Saturday and / or on Sunday between the hours
    12H00 to 17H00.


  • No ‘area specialist’ or  ‘rental specialist’ boards are permitted.


  • No ‘on show this Sunday’ boards are permitted during the week.


  • Banners and flags are illegal.


  • Sizes and types of signage are controlled by the legislation.


  • No boards are allowed in the roads, or on traffic circles.


  • No boards are permitted to obstruct pedestrians on pavements.

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